Insurance for business

Most businesses insure their assets against theft or damage, so why wouldn’t you protect your most important asset, your people?

Business insurance offers a range of benefits that will provide your business with a necessary cash injection to pay off debt, provide cash-flow or cover business expenses should a key person or shareholder pass away or suffer an illness or injury.

As a business owner you work long and hard with the expectation that you are building long-term value for yourself, your business partners and families.

Ultimately your ability to achieve the maximum value possible will depend largely on your ability to extract business value at some point in the future. What triggers that transition will be either a planned event (retirement) or an unplanned event (such as the dissolution of business, the death or serious illness of yourself or one of your business partners).
All too often the process of Business Succession is unplanned, and it is therefore not surprising that few business owners ever receive the anticipated value upon exiting their businesses.

Financial Advice Hawke’s Bay business succession review process is designed to uncover all the assumptions, issues and make recommendations regarding any uncertainties and gaps we uncover.

If you would like some advice simply contact us.